Alleviates itching, burning, pain, and swelling from insect bites or stings. The convenient roll-on applicator delivers soothing oil infused with natural remedies and calming lavender essential oil. Safe for use on delicate skin. Effective against bee and wasp stings, as well as mosquito and tsetse fly bites, and provides relief from Nairobi fly skin irritation.
Alleviates itching, burning, pain, and swelling from insect bites or stings. The convenient roll-on applicator delivers soothing oil infused with natural remedies and calming lavender essential oil. Safe for use on delicate skin. Effective against bee and wasp stings, as well as mosquito and tsetse fly bites, and provides relief from Nairobi fly skin irritation.
Alleviates itching, burning, pain, and swelling from insect bites or stings. The convenient roll-on applicator delivers soothing oil infused with natural remedies and calming lavender essential oil. Safe for use on delicate skin. Effective against bee and wasp stings, as well as mosquito and tsetse fly bites, and provides relief from Nairobi fly skin irritation.
How to use: Externally on the bite or sting. Reapply as often as needed.
Ingredients: Baobab seed oil, Lavender essential oil, homoeopathic potencies of Hypericum, Ledum, Cantharis, Urtica Urens, Caladium, Apis.